Keep making progress with summer tutoring
Reading Success Plus urges families to continue tutoring during the summer. Working over the break will propel students closer to their goals.
Intensive summer tutoring can speed up success
Intensive summer tutoring can speed a student’s success and help them catch up in school more quickly. Our programs can accelerate learning while still allowing your family all the fun summer has to offer.
Five pillars of reading
The “five pillars of reading” are at the core of every reading instruction program. Learn about them and about warning signs for struggling readers.
Dyslexia, autism and reading
Those with dyslexia and autism might have what appear to be similar reading problems. However, they actually may be totally different issues.
Resolutions to ensure a better new year
With the new year, here are some resolutions that may help improve your child’s performance in school.
Make time for tutoring over the holidays
Consider finding time for tutoring over the holidays, even a reduced amount. Even a little bit of time could prevent your student from regressing.
Professional development builds understanding
Professional development presentations offered by Reading Success Plus are an opportunity to get a deeper understanding of learning disabilities.
Don’t allow dyslexia to hide behind ADHD
In struggling readers, ADHD often is diagnosed when the real problem is dyslexia.
Is your student struggling? The warning signs of dyslexia and ADHD
Is your child struggling in school? If so, here are some warning signs of dyslexia and ADHD.
It’s time: A Back-to-school checklist
It’s time: A back-to-school checklist that can help make the often-painful transition to the classroom easier.

We’d love to help you or your student overcome your academic struggles. If you or your student is struggling in reading, writing or math, contact us to learn more about our pricing, services and further information.