by Reading Success Plus | Apr 30, 2024 | Reading, Tutoring
If your child has fallen behind in reading, math, or writing, you as a parent can’t help but share their discouragement. No matter how hard they try, that gap keeps getting bigger and bigger. So the end of the school year seems to offer a much-needed...
by Reading Success Plus | Mar 30, 2024 | Autism, Dyslexia, Reading, Tutoring
March was National Reading Month, and it was a busy time, filled with library challenges, celebrity-led story times, and principals dressed in Dr. Seuss outfits reading to kindergarteners. But as the hoopla quiets, we would like to get down to basics and explain the...
by Reading Success Plus | Jan 12, 2024 | Learning disabilities, Tutoring
January is the time of resolutions to ensure a better new year. Since we’re all pushing the reset button after a little bit of holiday slacking, let’s look at some New Year’s resolutions that could help make your child – or maybe yourself – a better reader or a...
by Reading Success Plus | Dec 15, 2023 | Tutoring
All of us at Reading Success Plus want to wish our students and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Whether you are eagerly anticipating a big trip or looking forward to a quiet time at home, we hope you have a joyful season enjoying the company of...
by Reading Success Plus | Dec 1, 2023 | Accomodations, Learning disabilities, Professional Development
Professional development presentations offered by Reading Success Plus are an opportunity to get a deeper understanding of learning disabilities. Participants also will learn how those how people with those disabilities can thrive in school, the community, and the...